Become A Member

Please Join Us - New Members Are Always Welcome

Rehearsals every Wednesday during school term time from 7.45pm until 9.15pm at Oxhill Village Hall. 

Teacher tracks and music provided.

First Two Rehearsals Are Free

Everyone welcome.

CCOTS Choir is based on the North Oxfordshire and South Warwickshire border and our members live in many of the villages in this beautiful area. No singing experience is necessary and teacher tracks are provided so that you can listen to them at home. Member of our existing members have never sung in a choir before and some have some previous singing experience. Our rehearsals are relaxing and fun and singing has been proven to be excellent for your general well being.  

We sing most pieces of music in three or four parts: soprano, alto, tenor and bass. If you are unsure which voice part you are, our musical director can guide you. There are no auditions for the choir and everyone is welcome. 

Music is available to print from the website although we can print copies if you have no printer available and teacher tracks are also on our website. 

The first two rehearsals are free and we have copies of the music for you to use. Once you decide to join we give you access to the members area of the website which includes all the music and teacher tracks.

f you are interested in joining CCOTS choir you are welcome to come along to a rehearsal. We meet every Wednesday 7.45pm until 9.15pm during Warwickshire Schools term time at Oxhill Village Hall. A map can be found here: Rehearsal Location  

If you would like some more information before trying out a rehearsal please contact our MD:


Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Community Choir of Oxhill, Tysoe and Shenington